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Warren Avery, Editor and Publisher of the IT Weekly Newsletter
Sam Powers, Community and Economic Development Director, City of Ashville NC “He understands the rapid evolution of technology and is always looking for ways to harness technology to improve customer service.”

Sam Powers, Community and Economic Development Director, City of Ashville NC

Recent Posts

Run A Sane Team At A Crazy Company: 8 Steps

I used to think that if only I got the right job, at the right place, working for the right CEO, that all of a sudden, all of the “crazy organization” stuff — if you’ve worked for a large organization, you darn well know what I mean — would go away.  Bzzt!  Wrong answer.  In […]

Optimism: “I do not think it means what you think it means”

Optimism is vastly misunderstood because we confuse correlation with causation. This happens all the time: I’m on my way somewhere, whistling, humming, singing, skipping. Someone sees me, offers a variation on “it must be great to be happy” or “I guess someone’s feeling optimistic.” I usually say, “it beats the alternative” and keep moving. Generally, […]

Keeping Integrity While Keeping Your Job

Don’t ruin your integrity by telling lies for your organization. You don’t have to. There is a great deal of middle ground between parroting lies on behalf of your large, dysfunctional organization and actively clashing with the leadership. Just don’t participate. A friend and I were musing that our gym (a large, multi-site organization) was […]

“Too Long, Didn’t Read:” Your Career Depends On Exec Summaries

You got good at your job because you’re good at the details. But you won’t get promoted beyond your job because you’re good at details. You’ll get promoted because you know how to summarize. It seems unfair. You’re good at details. Yet, it seems that executives at your organization never want to understand the details. […]