Well, if that wasn’t a clickbait headline, I don’t know what was. But, really. Stop ONE bad habit and you’ll gain 5x productivity. Two words: Stop agonizing.
You know what I mean. When you read an email over 20 times before you click send, because you’re afraid that your boss will see a typo and think badly of you. When you rewrite an article before your editor ever sees it because it simply wasn’t perfect enough. When you keep agonizing about your draft of your novel for 5 years and doing nit-picky rewrites instead of pounding out 5 novels during that time. When you spend a month planning an event that could have been planned in a week. When I don’t publish a blog posting for two months because none of them are good enough.
Stop agonizing. And you’ll be at least 5 times more productive. I promise.